In my work, I am continually blown away by the inborn creative capacity my clients have to shift their state of mind and body. I’ve come to the conclusion that imagination is a powerful tool in healing. See, much of your brain doesn’t know the difference between whether you are imagining something or really experiencing it. So when I help clients come up with personalized images to calm their nervous systems, not only do they feel more at peace, but they feel empowered. One client recently remarked, “I never knew I had the capacity to soothe myself!”.
Because of your unique imagination, you hold the key to calming yourself down. The variety of inner resources my clients come up with to help them shift is awe-inspiring. These can range from a particular scene in nature to a unique loving figure to a special spiritual being, a special protective figure, color, image, song, mantra or cue word or phrase. The practice of bringing these positive resources to mind and getting in touch with the felt sense of them can lay down new neural pathways. Neuropsychologist Rick Hanson calls this “hardwiring happiness.”
So, no matter how stressed or down you might be feeling, know that you have the power through your unique imagination to shift your state. Just imagine what You would feel like then…